Vision OS 基于云计算的手机Web OS

第60届Intel ISEF英特尔国际科学与工程大奖赛将于2009年5月10日到15日在美国内华达州雷诺市举行,以下是来自中国的参赛项目介绍:

Vision OS 基于云计算的手机Web OS

华东师范大学第二附属中学 上海科学会堂青少年英才俱乐部 中国福利会少年宫 朱晓伟



 作者基于分布式计算的理念,设计并实现了一个由大量PC组成的云计算平台“Ace”。Vision是一个架构在“云”上的Web操作系统,用户可以从“云” 中找到大量可用的服务,并在Vision中通过一些应用程序来创建、编辑他们的各种文件。用户也可以通过平台开放的API来开发各种可运行于Vision 的应用程序。而通过上下文感知技术和工作流引擎,用户可以享受到十分智能的个性化服务。


 通过云计算,“任何人可以创造自己的应用”,这是Web2.0“任何人都可以参与”的概念的升华。Vision OS,让您的手机借助“云”的力量变身为移动的超级微型计算机!



 Cloud computing is the latest form of distributed computing. Through the ‘cloud’ which consists of lots of computers, users can get powerful computing ability and unlimited storage space, which we can’t get from our PCs or mobile phones alone.

 Based on the theory of distributed computing, ‘Ace’, a cloud computing platform is designed and implemented. ‘Vision’ is a mobile web OS which is architected on ‘Ace’. Users can get lots of available services from the cloud, and use the applications provided by ‘Vision’ to create and edit their files. Users can also use the open API to develop their own applications which can run on ‘Vision’. Through the context-aware technology and the work-flow engine, users can enjoy very individualized service.

 ‘Vision OS’ provides a lot of exciting features, and a new kind of development way as well. Most of the client code will be moved onto the server-side, and the code amount will be reduced a lot.

 Through cloud computing, ‘Everyone can create his own application’. This is the sublimation of Web2.0 concept ‘Everyone can participate in’. Vision OS, make your mobile phone a super tiny computer!
