05. Kartograph
Kartograph's projections breathe new life into our standard slippy maps
06. Exhibit
Exhibit makes data visualization a doddle
07. Modest Maps
Integrate and develop interactive maps within your site with this cool tool
08. Leaflet
Use OpenStreetMap data and integrate data visualisation in an HTML5/CSS3 wrapper
7. 金融数据可视化的工具:
01. Dygraphs
Help visitors explore dense data sets with JavaScript library Dygraphs
02. Highcharts
Highcharts has a huge range of options available
8. 时间轴数据可视化工具:
01. Timeline
Timeline creates beautiful interactive visualizations
02. Dipity
Dipity has free and premium versions to suit your needs
9. 函数公式数据可视化工具
01. WolframAlpha
Wolfram Alpha is excellent at creating charts
02. Tangle
Tangle creates complex interactive graphics. Pulling src="https://pic1.zhimg.com/v2-63136f53eb1ef72a2fdaa6c870f0d948_b.jpg" alt="" width="535" data-rawwidth="535" data-rawheight="429" data-original="https://pic1.zhimg.com/v2-63136f53eb1ef72a2fdaa6c870f0d948_r.jpg" />Making the ugly beautiful - that's Better World Flux
02. Google Charts
Google Charts has an excellent selection of tools available
03. Crossfilter
Crossfilter in action: by restricting the input range on any one chart, data is affected everywhere.